Lab update - Kalb Neuronal Biology Laboratory
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in the Department of Neurology; Director, Les Turner ALS Research and Patient Center at Northwestern Medicine.
Robert Kalb, Robert G. Kalb, Kalb Neurology, Kalb Neuronal Biology Laboratory, Neurology Research, ALS Research, SMA Research, Dr. Kalb, Bob Kalb, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Department of Neurology; Les Turner ALS Research, Northwestern Medicine
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Lab update

Lab update

We are in the thick of characterizing a mouse with conditional expression of the FOXO transcription factor. It has turned out to be substantially trickier than I originally thought but the hard work of Chia-yen and Lei is getting us closer to completion. Great work guys!  Bryce Sopher provided important help earlier in the project, so a tip o the hat to him too.

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