Recent Lab news - Kalb Neuronal Biology Laboratory
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in the Department of Neurology; Director, Les Turner ALS Research and Patient Center at Northwestern Medicine.
Robert Kalb, Robert G. Kalb, Kalb Neurology, Kalb Neuronal Biology Laboratory, Neurology Research, ALS Research, SMA Research, Dr. Kalb, Bob Kalb, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Department of Neurology; Les Turner ALS Research, Northwestern Medicine
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Recent Lab news

Recent Lab news

I am happy to report that Marco Boccitto’s manuscript has been accepted for publication in Neuroscience. Hooray Marco! Marco was a graduate student in the lab and moved on to his postdoctoral in June of 2012. The new work (that is now in press) examines the relationship between two genes – one gene strongly implicated in Autism/Schizophrenia and another gene with a more tenuous connection. Marco’s work now squarely link the two. It’s all about the beta-catenin signaling…

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